Bilingual Yoga English & Japanese Basic Course


This course is for those of you who are interested in teaching or learning Yoga in Japanese as well as English. If the hurdle seems too big then this is the course for you. I break down poses in both English and Japanese and I have a guidebook to help you along the way.
I created this course for you as I both with something like this was available to me when I started teaching bilingual yoga years ago. This course would also be great if you are planning to travel to Japan and would like to take a yoga class but feel intimidated by the language. It’s a great course for beginner yogis too.
I break down 33 basic yoga poses in both English and Japanese. By sticking to easy communicable words and phrases you will be able to attend or teach a basic class in both languages. At the end of the course you will be have them necessary language skills to teach a class in either English and Japanese.

33のベーシックなヨガのポーズのインストラクションを、やさしい単語や言い回しにこだわって、日本語と英語で指導します。日本語と同じで、英語でも同じ動作を様々な単語やフレーズで表現できますが、とことん初心者さんに寄り添って、“簡単だけど、ちゃんと伝わる” 表現で教えます。英語でヨガを教えてみたいインストラクターさんには超絶おすすめです

Let’s learn how to teach yoga bilingually and easily! 簡単なバイリンガルヨガの指導法を学ぼう!

What you’ll learn

* How to teach bilingual yoga ( Japanese and English) バイリンガルヨガの教え方
* Cueing for basic yoga poses ヨガの基本的なポーズのインストラクションの仕方
* Specific yoga vocabulary in English and Japanese 英語と日本語のヨガ特有の語彙
* How to do basic yoga pose at home 自宅でのヨガの練習法

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

* Everybody is welcome to join this course. どなたでもどうぞ!

Who this course is for:

* People who want to teach bilingual yoga ( Japanese and English) バイリンガルヨガを教えたい人
* People who want to learn cueing for basic yoga poses ヨガの基本的なポーズのインストラクションを学びたい人
* People who want to be able join English or Japanese yoga classes and understand the language 英語や日本語のヨガのクラスに参加したい人
* People who are interested in cultural exchange through yoga ヨガを通じた文化交流に興味がある人
* People who want to practice yoga in a second language 第二言語でヨガを練習したい人
* People who want to practice yoga at home 自宅でヨガを練習したい人
* People who want to learn specific yoga vocabulary in English and Japanese 英語と日本語のヨガ特有の語彙を習得したい人

Reservations by DM or email

5 week with a total cost of $330(inc-GST)

Bilingual Yoga Classes are of 1 hour duration

please send an email to discuss times and location.

Please wear layers of clothing


Please bring your yoga mat
